Straight male gay massage

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As he grew older and moved to NYC, he, like so many gay men before him in this town, needed to make some extra cash the path of least resistance was erotic massage. Like many of the men I spoke with, Sam first learned he was good at massage by giving his mother neck rubs when he was younger, which helped him discover that he had a knack for reading the body. With fingers dancing along the spine, thigh, back and neck, and palms penetrating deep into the muscle tissue, this body work is guided by both physiology and psychology to provide relaxing experience and a damn good time. Whereas a traditional massage focuses on physical relief, erotic massage can offer additional psychological release, fulfilling the oft-neglected need for touch and intimacy.įolks like New York resident Sam, 30, pride themselves on being able to provide a professional grade, Swedish-style massage with an additional element of sensuality. As opposed to a traditional massage, which involves laying dead still for the duration, erotic body work often involves an interplay between client and masseur, usually culminating in sexual release. Many work in the nude, or in underwear, and allow varying degrees of touch from the client, bringing an erotic element to their practice. Erotic masseurs specialise not only in the field of flirtation, like their escort counterparts, but also in the art of massage.

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